Australia: Scholarship opportunities in Australia’s education capital
The Australian National University (ANU) has been ranked as the number one university in the southern hemisphere for the past two years – so it is no surprise that Canberra, Australia’s capital city, is also known as its education capital.
With close links to business, government and research institutions around the world, it offers cutting-edge resources and world-class research in a small, friendly and culturally diverse city.
And studying in Canberra could be less expensive than you think. With more than 80 scholarships available for undergraduate students, including many specifically for international students, there is a good opportunity to reduce your international student fees by quite a lot.
Each year, the university awards several full tuition scholarships that also completely cover the Overseas Student Health Cover (health insurance) requirement. With annual tuition fees averaging more than A$20,000, this could be a major contribution to your international education.
There are also four Alumni Scholarships awarded each year to students from Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, as well as a PhD scholarship for a student from Japan.
But even if you don’t win a full scholarship, many partial scholarships are available from each faculty or college. You can apply for scholarships online, but you must have already applied for admission to the university to be eligible for any scholarship.
To find out more about all the scholarships at ANU, contact the International Education Office at ANU, or your local IDP Education Australia office.
Or, to find out more about the huge range of study options at ANU, talk with one of our StudyLink student counsellors.
ANU Cricos provider code: 00120C
hi sir i have need of full bright ph.d scholarship in veterinary field thats why i have requested to you.
Posted by: Tarique Hussain Rahoo | August 28, 2008 at 11:23 PM
hello Sir i am searching for fully funded international scholarship for UK
Posted by: saima | August 30, 2008 at 12:32 AM
Hello sir i am searching for fully funded Phd international scholarship in the field of physics in UK universities.
Posted by: saima | August 30, 2008 at 12:34 AM
please help me to find scholarship, I'm, really want to go continue my study at the University, and study International Relationship, I did tray for many times for scholarship but it no success.
Posted by: Bernardo Alberto Maia | September 01, 2008 at 02:43 PM
i would like you to help me get a university at the UK am ready for the payments.
Posted by: Diana J. | September 01, 2008 at 07:41 PM
please help me to find schorlarship,i am really want to continue my studies inuk to study medicine
Posted by: EKELEME THERESA CHIDINMA | September 02, 2008 at 11:11 PM
i am Gideon from Kenya and i need scholarship in UK university for MBA in finance
God bless
Posted by: Kerich Gideon Kiprop | September 04, 2008 at 06:46 PM
Sir I am from Bangladesh and i need scholarship in Australia university for MS in Biotechnology(Schlorship).
Posted by: Ranjoy Das | September 14, 2008 at 06:14 PM
i am really interested to further my study in Engineering..
Right now i'm studying at one of local university in malaysia...after i reject the offer to futher my study in South Korea...but i'm searching for scholarship....
Posted by: Arina Diyana | September 25, 2008 at 02:35 PM
hello sir
I am interested to study in Autralia in fisheries. pls give me suggession what I can do?
thank you
Posted by: meherun nesa | October 14, 2008 at 05:41 PM
Hi Sir/Madam,
I am a poor but ambitious principal in one of the provinces of the Philippines. I really aspire to avail of a full scholarship grant that must be funded by international schools. How i wish I could be one of your grantees. I cannot finance financially, I am only relying on whatever full scholarship grant that can be granted on my behalf. Hope you could help me find one sponsoring agency. Rest assured that whatever help that can be extend will be shared to my fellow countrymen and other who would like to avail of my help after my study in your country.My services will be for the upliftment of education in the Philippines.
Thank you and God bless!
Posted by: Elvira T. Cabug | October 15, 2008 at 10:37 PM
hi sir/madam
i am a veterinary ,from jordan with 5 year in seydney ,searching for scholarship on vet scienses
Posted by: halim | October 27, 2008 at 08:42 PM
Iam aged 19 living in Uganda. I hambly request for a sponser in my higher education. now am in senior five. thanks, will be very greatful when put into consideration.
Posted by: Ibwokitai David Ambrose | November 13, 2008 at 09:17 PM
Hello,I am interested for higher education(MBA) with full scholarship in Australia. As I am too poor to effort my higher study, so I need guideline and help to have full scholarship.
Please help me.
Posted by: Shakhawat | November 23, 2008 at 03:57 PM
i am a veterinary student of sylhet agricultural university of bangladesh.i have completed my four years and obtain 3.70 G.P.A .now i m in interrnship.iwantto complete my postgraduation in australia,so i need a scholarship to issued within the year 2009.
Posted by: Rajib chakraborty | December 07, 2008 at 06:22 AM
I am a veterinary graduate.I need ascholarship to complete my masters degree in veterinary medicine in Australia.
Posted by: Rajib chakraborty | December 07, 2008 at 06:24 AM
hellosir, i need ascholarship in veterinry science for postgraduation.
Posted by: Rajib chakraborty | December 07, 2008 at 06:28 AM
please help me to find scholarship, I'm, really want to go continue my study at the University, and study International Relationship, I did tray for many times for scholarship but it no success.
Posted by: moch amir | December 07, 2008 at 06:54 PM
Hi i wanna study mba in australia with full scholarship...would you mind to let me know how can i get the scholarship and mailing address of those...looking forward..thank you...
Posted by: Numer | December 13, 2008 at 03:12 AM
I got my degree in fisheries science(genetic)I'm really interested to continiue my studies in Australia and I'm searching for scholarship...
please help me
best regards
Posted by: hadis | December 20, 2008 at 10:42 PM
Dear Sir
I like to study seafood science in Australia i'll be greatfull if you give some information to me
Posted by: sarah | December 20, 2008 at 10:48 PM
I want to study in Fisheries (post-graduate level) for this I need a full time scholarship.
Pls help me.
Posted by: Sajib | December 26, 2008 at 03:29 AM
Dear Sir/ Madam
I am Budi Santoso. I really want to learn English in Australia. I can teach Indonesian or Javanese. Would you mind to help me to give me any scholarship. It will be great if you can help me to study in Australia.
Best Regards,
Budi Santoso
Posted by: Budi Santoso | January 05, 2009 at 05:38 PM
Sir , Right now i am BBA 2nd year (six semister)student ,i want to do my MBA or MS program in Australian university with scholarship, Because my family is not in a position to bear this education let me know the Australian scholarship procedure as soon as possible.
Posted by: Sudeep Basak | January 07, 2009 at 07:44 AM
Sir, Good morning. I am Bangladeshi. I have comlited M.S in Mathematics. Now I need a scholarship for heigher education in Australia.
Posted by: Masum Billah | January 07, 2009 at 10:47 PM
I am Nazim from singapore.I am a veterinary graduate from Sylhet Agricultural university of Bangladesh.I would like to complete my master degree in vet puublic heath from australia.
Posted by: Dr.Md.Nazim uddin | January 18, 2009 at 04:36 PM
21 yea$ old looking for scholarship to study computer science
Posted by: Francis mwanza muthini | January 20, 2009 at 05:48 PM
respectfully dated that im keenly interested in biotechnlolgy and did my MS in molecular biology and want to continue my studies which is just based on i need ur anticipation.
Posted by: SHIRAZ AHMAD | January 23, 2009 at 05:44 AM
Sir i m student of Bangladesh. I am studing MSS, Dept. of govt.& pOLitics. I want 2 study at Australia. I want to complite MBA or MA in govt politics.Thats why i need a scholership.Would u plz infom me about this. take care.Lupin
Posted by: Lupin Dewan | January 24, 2009 at 01:21 AM
i have just completed my five years bachelor of veterinary science and animal husbandry from purwanchal university of Nepal under full scholarship.i have obtained 3.85 G.P.A.i wantto study masters degree in australia,so i need a full scholarship within the year 2009.please help me.
Posted by: sheeva | January 25, 2009 at 02:59 PM