USA: The power of poly thinking
Here’s a quick quiz for you. Which university produced:
- the person who invented Teflon, that miracle substance that stops eggs from sticking to the frying pan;
- the person who developed the touch-screen ATM, and dreamt up a bank-from-home banking system;
- the person who thought up fax machines, VCRs and camcorders;
- the person who discovered a way to mass-produce penicillin, our first line of defence for over 100 diseases.
If you answered NYU Polytechnic to every one of these, you’d be right.
NYU-Poly is one of America’s oldest private engineering schools, and counts plenty of Nobel Prize winners and famous inventors amongst its alumni. It’s now an affiliate of New York University, and offers a wide range of programs – from biomedical engineering to management.
NYU-Poly believes in a different approach to education, a real-world lab working on real technological solutions that will create long-lasting benefits. Students work in teams, learning the technical and professional skills they need to be future leaders – all by doing and creating. The results obviously speak for themselves.
And if you’re interested in joining these passionate thinkers, you should look at the range of scholarships available for international students. These scholarships are very competitive, and place an emphasis on GRE or GMAT results. But it’s worth taking the time to make your case for some financial assistance.
Promise Scholarships are merit-based, and will provide up to $18,000. Honors College Scholarships award between $20,000 and $30,000, and are given to the cream of the Promise Scholarship student crop. That’s money you don’t have to pay back.
Graduate students can also apply for a Graduate Assistantship (GA), which gives you an income for work on relevant on-campus research projects, or general employment. For example, at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, a GA student can work in an academic or administrative area of the department for up to 200 hours a semester - and earn $10 an hour.
Posted by: gagandeep singh saggu | February 19, 2009 at 05:22 PM
my name handoyo
i want to study in USA. please help me to get abroad the study in USA and please give me aplication form or anything to help me get study in there.
i want study in geology and geothermal.
Posted by: handoyo | February 19, 2009 at 06:07 PM
Hello! now can I get scholarship in New York University with electrical enginerring of bacgwrlor
Posted by: Hai Duy Tran | February 20, 2009 at 01:12 AM
Work hard then believe me you will find.
Posted by: Tasnim Bani Mustafa | February 20, 2009 at 04:27 AM
Hello all I'm undergraduated student I study nuclear engineering at Jordan and love to get agrant to study abroad for a year to develop my english language skills and I will be thankful.
Posted by: Tasnim Bani Mustafa | February 20, 2009 at 04:30 AM
hello! it's me aida here....
i would like to further on my study in mechanical engineering, what do i suppose to do.....????
Posted by: aida | March 11, 2009 at 12:49 AM